Export is one big project that needs lot of preparation and energy before you start. it seems very complicated but it’s not as difficult as it seems once you know the basic and follow this steps.
to start an export first of all you should have the self knowledge that you are going to deal with other markets that their understanding and traditions different from yours. You should have the ability to update your behavior and convert it with the traditions and methods of the new market or costumers that you are going to work with.
Once you are ready for this changes, just follow up with this steps to start:
1. Choose a Product: either you have your own factory / production or you can buy a local product, you should choose the product that you have at least a basic information on it and on the production way. If you don’t have the knowledge so better to learn about the product before you start your way.
2. Find your Niche: it’s very important to understand which niche your product is targeting. some products can be used for several purposes, so you need to know exactly what your product serve, or solve then find your niche.
3. Check your country law : some of the export product need license or a special government documentation or permissions . And some of the product could be forbidden to export.
4. Make a market research: start making a research on the product worldwide, find the best markets that are using your product and on this markets: check competitive products, check specifications of the product that are using in the same market, check weight requested (if your product sold by weight ), check packaging, and prices.
I recommend to make a table list and put all the details on front of you on the same list, and to use a local research company in the point market to get a trusted results.
5. Check the law and procedures in the point market: learn about the law and procedures in the point markets.
6. Build your global strategy: your global strategy should be built for long period, it should include your vision, your sources, your budget, and your aim.
Be aware that you should be realistic, you should know your point of strength and your point of weakness. Your global strategy should be the light and the basic reference for your project.
7. Build your marketing strategy on the point market : once you choose the market that you will start exporting your product, your marketing strategy should contain your niche, a selling Price, promotions, advertising, where to start, and what is the steps that you will follow to sell your product, It should view your selling aim in quantity and in percentage comparing the global selling amount in this market.
Some tips that you can use:, find if there is a local distributor that you can use his company to sell your product through it, or finding an agent that is working in this market, or if there is an exhibitions in the market that you can show your product.
8. Traditions and methods: start learning the traditions and manors of the people in the point market, it’s very important that once you enter the market to communicate to your costumers and to understand their behaviors. ( For example in china its not polite to give your memo card in one hand, you should do it with both hands).
9. Business plan and budget: you need to build a business plan that contain a short term plan and a long term plan, combining it with your global strategy and the marketing strategy in the short term plan.
Her I recommend you to get a help from your Accountant and international business administration expert.
10. Adjust the product: once you configure details on your product, adjust all what need in your product to fit the market that you are targeting ( specification, shape, weight, packaging etc..).
11. Brand name: make a brand name for your product. It’s worth to invest from the first step to make a brand name that will appear on the product and on the package.
Be aware to check your brand name that is legal to use, or there is other suppliers that using the same name.
I even recommend to register a global trademark brand name.
Web site to your company : a designed web site for your company is high recommended ( it’s the key for your international business ).
International trading web site: register to international trading web site as a seller, such as: alibaba.com, tradekey.com, etc..
Exhibitions: participate in exhibitions and fairs.
Social media: use the social media to advertise your product.
once your company is ready to launch your product for export market, it’s the time for taking an action:
costumers: find a reliable costumers that you can work with, you can find costumers through exhibitions and fairs, or through an agent that you employee in the point market, or through internet media, or sourcing companies, or through the industry and commerce ministry, or other governmental Commercial extension.
Visit your potential costumers: make a trip to know your costumers, learn more on his business, meet the owners and know them personally, collect information as much as you can, Feel the rhythm in the air.
Discus long term business relationship: explain your targets, and your vision and discus with your potential costumers about the way that you will head together in marketing your product, discuss the small parts of your business relationship, close the final price for your selling product, and payment terms.
I recommend in this stage don’t close final deals.
Make your decision: after you complete your visit to all of your potential customers, combining your global strategy with your visit results, make your decision for the costumer that can fulfill your demand.
Sign contract: sign a business international contract with your costumer that include all your past agreement.
Start exporting and documentation: arrange the shipment as your customer demand, make double check on the product to meet your customer request. and arrange all the documents at the same time. Once the shipment is loaded your document should be ready ( invoice, packing list, B/L ( bill of lading ), health certificate, certificate of origin, euro one, ISO, etc… ).
Payment: before you send the document to collect them in your bank, send a copy of the document to your costumer to check it and confirm it. Then send them to be collected within your bank.
Follow up: send to your costumer all details about the shipment, name of the vassal, container number, and estimated time off arrival, and follow up tracking the shipment.
Stay in contact: keep in contact with your costumer, get his feedback on the product.